Application Exemptions
Use this document as guidance to determine whether your proposed development requires an application to the Pinelands Commission.
Local Agency Approval Checklist
This optional checklist is designed to help applicants submit a complete local agency approval package to the Pinelands Commission. Please note that the Commission cannot review your approval until all required items are received.
Public Development and Waiver Submission Deadlines
This document lists the various deadlines for public development and waiver applications in order to be heard at a Commission meeting on a given date.
Municipalities with Local Review Officer (LRO) Programs
This document includes a list and contact information for the Pinelands Municipalities that have Local Review Officer (LRO) programs.
Affidavit for Cultural Housing Eligibility
Use this sample affidavit when you are required to demonstrate your eligibility under the cultural housing provision.
Affidavit for Dwelling Unit Accessory to Farm Operation in Agricultural Production Areas
Use this sample affidavit when you are required to demonstrate your eligibility to locate a single family dwelling on a lot of at least 10 acres accessory to an active agricultural operation in a Pinelands Agricultural Production Area.
Affidavit for Grandfather Provision Eligibility
Use this sample affidavit when you are required to demonstrate your eligibility under the substandard lot (“grandfather”) provision.
Affidavit for Waiver Common Ownership
Use this sample affidavit when you are applying for a Waiver of Strict Compliance.
Deed Language for Agricultural Subdivisions
Use this sample deed language when you are applying for a subdivision to create at least one vacant lot that is actively being farmed and that is not currently proposed for development.
Deed Notice Language for Nitrogen Reducing Residential Septic Systems
Use this sample deed language when your alternate design septic system has been installed. Evidence that this deed language has been filed with the county clerk’s office is required prior to issuance of a Certificate of Compliance and Certificate of Occupancy.
Deed Language for Clustering
Use this sample deed language when completing an application for residential development under the clustering provision.
We thank you for your patience as we develop this sample deed language. Please contact the Pinelands Commission at (609)894-7300 for guidance in the interim.
Deed Language for Density Transfer
Use this sample deed language when completing an application for residential development under the density transfer provision.
Updated version coming soon!
Deed Language for Septic Dilution
Use this sample deed language when completing an application for development that requires deed restriction of adjacent lands to meet septic dilution standards.
Deed Language for Threatened and Endangered Species
Use this sample deed language when completing an application for development that requires deed restriction of a portion of the parcel for the protection of threatened and endangered species.
If you are completing an application that requires public notice and does not concern a specific parcel (example: application only concerns a right-of-way or easement), please consult the instructions on the first page of the sample notice.
The official newspapers of the Pinelands Commission are the Asbury Park Press, Press of Atlantic City, Burlington County Times and Courier Post.
Official Newspapers of Pinelands Area Municipalities
Use this document if required to publish public notice in an official newspaper of a municipality. The Commission does its best to maintain a current, accurate list of municipalities’ official newspapers, but we suggest that you confirm with the municipality prior to publishing notice.
Pinelands Commission Letter of Interpretation Public Notice
Use this sample notice language when you are completing an application with the Pinelands Commission only for a Letter of Interpretation for a determination other than wetlands boundary, wetlands presence/absence, or Pinelands Development Credits. Under this option, the application requires a fee of $250 and is valid with the Pinelands Commission for 5 years.
Pinelands Commission Wetlands Boundary Letter of Interpretation Public Notice
Use this sample notice language when you are completing an application with the Pinelands Commission only for a Letter of Interpretation to determine the wetlands boundary. Under this option, the application requires a fee of $250 and is valid for 5 years.
Pinelands Commission Wetlands Presence/Absence Letter of Interpretation Public Notice
Use this sample notice language when you are completing an application with the Pinelands Commission only for a Letter of Interpretation to determine the presence or absence of wetlands. Under this option, the application requires a fee of $250 and is valid for 5 years.
Joint Pinelands Commission/NJDEP Wetlands Letter of Interpretation Public Notice
Use this sample notice language when you are completing an application with both the New Jersey Pinelands Commission and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) for a wetlands Letter of Interpretation (LOI). Under this option, the application requires a fee of at least $1,000 and the LOI is valid with both agencies for 5 years.
Public Development Application Public Notice
Use this sample notice language if you are a public agency completing an application for major development with the Pinelands Commission.
Waiver of Strict Compliance Application Public Notice
Use this sample notice language if you are completing an application for a Waiver of Strict Compliance.
Alternate Design Septic System Vendor List
This guidance document provides the technology description and contact information for each of the alternate design septic systems currently authorized for use on residential lots under 3.2 acres in the Pinelands.
Checklist for Completion of Alternate Design Septic System Post-Installation Requirements
This checklist can be used to ensure that you submit all items to the Pinelands Commission as required in order to receive a health department Certificate of Compliance for an alternate design septic system.
Form for Alternate Design Septic System Post-Installation Cost Information
This optional form is designed to help applicants organize their post-installation alternate design septic system documents for submission to the Pinelands Commission.
Form for Alternate Design Septic System Post-Installation Manufacturer’s Certification
This optional form is designed to help applicants organize their post-installation alternate design septic system documents for submission to the Pinelands Commission.
Form for Alternate Design Septic System Post-Installation Engineer’s Certification
This optional form is designed to help applicants organize their post-installation alternate design septic system documents for submission to the Pinelands Commission.
NJDEP/County Health Department Certificate of Compliance Form (Parts A, B & C)
This form is required by the NJDEP/County Health Department to obtain a health department Certificate of Compliance for an alternate design septic system. A copy of this form should be attached to the Professional Engineer's Certification Form for Alternate Design Septic System Post-installation Certification form (above).
Septic Dilution Model
This tool is designed to help applicants and consultants determine whether proposed development will meet the Pinelands Commission’s septic system standard of 2 ppm nitrate-nitrogen in the groundwater exiting the parcel or entering a surface water body.
Pinelands Stormwater Checklist for Minor Residential Development
This document identifies the information that must be submitted to the Commission to address the stormwater management standards in the Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan (N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.84(a)6) and the municipal land use ordinance for applications for proposed minor residential development (1-4 dwelling units).
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) Manual
New Jersey Developers' Green Infrastructure Guide
Pinelands Stormwater BMPs: Permeability Test Criteria
This document provides illustrated guidance for soil permeability testing and depth requirements.
Pinelands Stormwater BMPs: Soil Profile Cross-Section Design, AutoCAD Template
Consultants may use and complete this template as part of a stormwater management plan submission. This document is an AutoCAD file.
Pinelands Stormwater BMPs: Soil Profile Cross-Section Design, Completed Example
Consultants may use this example of a completed NJ Pinelands Stormwater BMP Soil Profile Cross-Section to guide them in completing the submission for their subject site.
Pinelands Stormwater BMPs: Soil Profile Cross-Section Design, PDF Template
Consultants may use and complete this template as part of a stormwater management plan submission. This document is a PDF file.
Pinelands Stormwater BMPs: Test Pit Depth Requirements
This document provides illustrated guidance for test pit excavation depth and soil log submissions.
Pinelands Area Model Stormwater Control Ordinance
This document is the generic Pinelands Area Model Stormwater Control Ordinance. A customized version was distributed to each Pinelands Area municipality.
Guidelines for Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys
This guidance document provides consultants with an overview of the methodology typically followed to demonstrate whether local populations of threatened and endangered plants and/or habitat for threatened and endangered wildlife will be impacted as a result of the proposed development.
This guidance document includes a partial list of Pinelands plants and their uses for landscaping, habitat, enhancement and forest restoration.
Alternative Water Supply Sources for Well or Water Allocation
Increase Applications
Statewide Water Supply Master Plan
Technical Memorandum (TM) 12-2
Kirkwood-Cohansey Well/Allocation Sample Notice - Public Development
Kirkwood-Cohansey Well/Allocation Sample Notice - Private Development
Pinelands Municipalities by HUC-11 Watershed
Buffer Delineation Model for the New Jersey Pinelands Wetlands
This document contains a series of site-, region-, use-, and wetland-specific calculations that may be used to determine whether a reduction of the wetland buffer would result in a significant adverse impact to the subject wetland.
1985; fillable form created in 2016
Pinelands Commission Manual for Identifying and Delineating Pinelands Area Wetlands (A Pinelands Supplement to the Federal Manual)
This document provides criteria, field indicators, and methodology to be used in delineating Pinelands Area wetlands.
Freshwater Wetland General Permit Application Form and Checklist
The Pinelands Commission reviews applications for Freshwater Wetland General Permits on behalf of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) for sites in the Pinelands Area. Download the necessary forms from NJDEP Division of Land Use Regulation’s website at, but be sure to submit all items to the Pinelands Commission.
When applying for a Freshwater Wetland General Permit in the Pinelands Area, public notice Attachments A and B below must be used instead of Attachments A and B provided on NJDEP’s website.
Application fees may be paid online by clicking HERE or checks or money orders made payable to “NJDEP-Pinelands Wetlands Program” may be mailed to the Pinelands Commission, P.O. Box 359, New Lisbon, NJ 08064.
Freshwater Wetland General Permit Attachment A – Model Letter: Notice to Neighboring Landowners
This sample notice contains specific language necessary for use in the Pinelands Area when applying for a Freshwater Wetland General Permit.
Freshwater Wetland General Permit Attachment B – Model Newspaper Advertisement
This sample notice contains specific language necessary for use in the Pinelands Area when applying for a Freshwater Wetland General Permit.
If you are looking for a form or guidance that is not listed above, please contact the Pinelands Commission at (609) 894-7300.
Copyright © State of New Jersey, 2015
Pinelands Commission
15 Springfield Road
New Lisbon, NJ 08064