Doctoral Undergraduate Opportunities for Scholarship (DUOS)

Apply for the fall DUOS program by Mon., Oct. 14, 2024.

The DUOS program bridges the gap between graduate and undergraduate research at Miami University. The undergraduate student and graduate student pair will collaborate together on a research project during the spring semester under the supervision of a faculty member in a Ph.D. granting department.

Either the undergraduate or graduate student may initiate the application, but the undergraduate student is to have primary authorship of the project.

Eligibility and Program Goals

DUOS is open to any Miami University undergraduate student in good standing (who holds a minimum 2.75 GPA) and to any Miami post-master’s doctoral student in good standing who has agreed to abide by program requirements.

The selection committee may provide funding for up to 11 awards which will be announced via email in late early December. Each project may receive up to $1,000 total.

Awardees must budget 75% of funds to be used in direct support of the research project. The remaining 25% of the funds may be used for dissemination of research results (i.e., publication costs or conference attendance). The award amount includes $100 per Awardee for participation in the required mentor/mentee training.

How to Apply